The Meaning of Rottweiler Titles And Common Abbreviations and Terms

Some times it is difficult to read and understand abbreviations of titles and awards mentioned in pedigrees of Rottweilers. I have made an effort to find and explain those awards and titles. Please read & understand the abbreviations which are frequently used on Rottweiler pedigrees.

The Meaning of Rottweiler Titles And Common Abbreviations and Terms
Cheri Ruzich

  1. AAC: Agility Association of Canada Organisation
  2. AAD: Advanced Agility Dog
  3. AADC: Advanced Agility Dog of Canada
  4. AAS: Ausbildungsausschu (German. Translation is Training Committee)
  5. ABST: Advanced Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
  6. AD: 12.5 mile endurance run
  7. AD: Agility Dog (USDAA)
  8. ADC: Agility Dog of Canada
  9. ADCH: Agility Dog Champion
  10. A.D.R.K.: Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub (German Rottweiler Club)
  11. AFC: AKC Amateur Field Trial Champion (Prefix Title)
  12. AHBA: American Herding Breeds Association
  13. AIRK: Alliance of Independent Rottweiler Klubs
  14. AJP: AKC Excellent Agility Jumpers with Weaves, A Preferred (Suffix Title)
  15. AK(z): Ausbildungskennzeichen (German. Translation is Training Characteristic)
  16. AKC: American Kennel Club
  17. AOM: Award of Merit (Show Term)
  18. ARV: American Rottweiler Verein
  19. AT: Ahnentafel (German Pedigree Term)
  20. ATD: Advanced Trial Dog (ASCA Herding titles)
  21. AW: Ausbildungswart (German translation is Training-waited)
  22. AX: AKC Agility Excellent (Suffix Title)
  23. AXJ: AKC Excellent Agility Jumper (Suffix Title)
  24. AXP: AKC Agility Excellent (A Preferred, Suffix Title)
  25. AZG: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Zuchtvereine und Gebrauchshundverbnde (German. Translation is Working Group of the Breeding Associations and Customs Dog Federations)
  26. B: Besitzer (German translation is Owner)
  27. B: Begleithunde (Advanced Obedience Title, Same as BH)
  28. BAD: Beginners JFF (Agility Title)
  29. BAER: Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response
  30. BAH: Signifies a Bahamian Title from the BKC
  31. BBT: Basic Breed Test [No bite work (ARV)]
  32. BG: Bezirksgruppe (German. Translation is Group of Districts)
  33. BH: Begleithunde (Advanced Obedience Title)
  34. BH/VT: Begleithundprfung/Verhaltenstest
  35. BHP-1: Beginning Schutzhund Equivalent
  36. BHP-2: Intermediate Schutzhund Equivalent
  37. BHP-3: Advanced Schutzhund Equivalent
  38. BIH: Blindenfuhrhund (Blind Leader Dog)
  39. BISA: Awarded Best in Show at an AKC licensed All-Breed conformation show
  40. BIS: Best In Show
  41. BISS: Best In Specialty Show
  42. BJ: Broad Jump or Bar Jump
  43. BJS (+year): Bundesjugendsieger (Federal Youth Winner)
  44. BKC: Bahamas Kennel Club
  45. BLH: Blindenfuhrhund (Blind Leader Dog)
  46. B/OB: Breed and Obedience (Offered at a show or match)
  47. BOB: Best Of Breed
  48. BOS: Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
  49. BOSS: Best of Opposite Sex in a Speciality Show
  50. BOW: Best of Winners (The Best between the winners dog and winners bitch)
  51. BpDH1: Railway Police Dog
  52. BpDH2: Railway Police Dog Advanced
  53. BPIS: Best puppy in show
  54. Brevetto 1,2&3: Equivalent to SchH format in Italy
  55. BS (+year): Bundesieger (Federal Winner) Show Winner
  56. BST: Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
  57. CAB-1: Beginning Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
  58. CAB-2: Intermediate Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
  59. CAB-3: Advanced Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
  60. CAC: A National Champion Title
  61. CACIB: FCI International Champion Title
  62. CAFC: Canadian Amateur Field Champion
  63. CAN: Signifies a Canadian Title
  64. CAT: Coursing Ability Test
  65. CC: Coursing Champion
  66. CD: AKC Companion Dog, (Advanced Obedience, Suffix Title)
  67. CDX: AKC Companion Dog Excellent (Suffix Title)
  68. Cereco-1: Belgium Title equivalent to IPO format
  69. CERF: Canine Eye Registry Foundation
  70. CFC: Canadian Field Champion
  71. CG: Certificate of Gameness
  72. CGC: Canine Good Citizen
  73. CH: Conformation Champion, (Prefix Title)
  74. CHD: Canine Hip Dysplasia
  75. CKC: Canadian Kennel Club
  76. CKC: Continental Kennel Club (Not a recognized registry)
  77. CM: Courser of Merit
  78. CT: AKC Champion Tracker (Prefix Title)
  79. DC: AKC Dual Champion (Prefix Title)
  80. DD: Draft dog (NCA) Working certificates
  81. DH: Service Dog
  82. DHV: Deutscher Hundesportverband (German. Translation is German Dog Haven Federation)
  83. DPH: Service Police Dog
  84. DJ: Directed Jumping
  85. DM-FH (+year): Deutsche Meisterschaft fur Fuhrtenhunde (German Championship for Tracking Dogs)
  86. DM-SchH (+year): Deutsch Meistershaft Schutzhund Champion, German Champion
  87. DM-VPG (+year): Deutsche Meisterschaft Vielseitigkeitsprufung fur Gebrauchshunde (German Championship Versatility Examination for Customs Dogs)
  88. DPO1: Diensthunde Prufungsordnung (Service Dog Beginning)
  89. DPO2: Diensthunde Prufungsordnung (Service Dog Advanced)
  90. DR: Der Rottweiler (ADRK-Klubzeitschrift), The Rottweiler
  91. Dt.VDH CH.: Deutscher or German VDH champion
  92. DVG: Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine or German Federation of the Customs Dog Sport Associations
  93. EAC: Elite Standard Agility Title
  94. EAC-V: Elite Standard Veterans Agility Title
  95. EAC-JH: Elite Standard Junior Handler Agility Title
  96. EGC: Elite Gamblers (Agility Title)
  97. EGC-V: Elite Gamblers Veterans (Agility Title)
  98. EGC-JH: Elite Gamblers Junior Handler (Agility Title)
  99. Einfachzucht: One parent has a schutzhund title
  100. EJC: Elite Jumpers
  101. EJC-V: Elite Jumpers Veterans
  102. EJC-JH: Elite Jumpers Junior Handler
  103. EJS (+year): VDH-Europa-Jugendsieger (VDH-Europe Youth Sieger)
  104. ES (+year): VDH-Europa-Sieger (VDH-Europe Sieger)
  105. EzA: Ende des zuchtverwendungsfhigen (Alters or End of the Breeding Usable Age)
  106. FC: AKC Field champion (Prefix Title)
  107. F.Ch.: Field Champion
  108. FCI: Federation Cynologique Internationale Organization
  109. FCI-ES: FCI-Europasieger
  110. FD: Flyball Dog
  111. FD: Field Dog
  112. FDJ: Field Dog Junior
  113. FDX: Field Dog Excellent
  114. FDX: Flyball Dog Excellent
  115. FDCh: Flyball Dog Champion
  116. FGDCh: Flyball Grand Champion
  117. FH: Fahrtenhundprufung (Advanced tracking title)
  118. FHA 1,2&3: Austrian title (equivalent to SchH format)
  119. FH1: Advanced tracking title
  120. FH-I: Advanced tracking title
  121. FH-II: Most Advanced Tracking Title
  122. FH2: Most Advanced Tracking Title
  123. FM: Flyball Master
  124. FMX: Flyball Master Excellent
  125. FMCh: Flyball Master Champion
  126. FTC: AKC FAST Century (Agility Trial, Suffix Title)
  127. FTCP: AKC FAST Century Preferred (Agility Trial, Suffix Title)
  128. G: Conformation show Rating of Good
  129. Games I,II,III: JFF Agility Titles
  130. GDC9999E99N: GDC Elbow Certification Number
  131. GDC9999H99N: GDC Hip Certification Number
  132. GDSC: AKC Gun Dog Stake Champion (Prefix Title)
  133. Gebrauchshundzucht: Both parents have schutzhund titles
  134. Gekort bis (date)    Korung, Advanced Breed Test
  135. Gekort bis EzA     Korung, Lifetime Breed Test
  136. GM: Gambler Master Agility Title
  137. GMHR: Grand Master Hunting Retriever
  138. Gr. 1,2,3&4: Conformation Group Placements
  139. GR.Ch.: Grand Champion (CKC, UKC)
  140. HC: AKC Herding Champion (Prefix Title)
  141. HCH: Herding Champion prefix
  142. HCT: Herding Capable Tested
  143. HGH: Herding Dog
  144. HI: AKC Herding Intermediate (Suffix Title)
  145. HIAdsc: AKC Herding Intermediate Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), (Suffix Title)
  146. HIBdsc: AKC Herding Intermediate Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), (Suffix Title)
  147. HICs: AKC Herding Intermediate Course C (sheep), (Suffix Title)
  148. HIC: Herding Instinct Certified
  149. HIT: High In Trial
  150. HITs: Herding Instinct Tested in Sheep
  151. HITd: Herding Instinct Tested in Ducks
  152. HITg: Herding Instinct Tested in Goats
  153. HRD1: Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
  154. HRD2: Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
  155. HRD3: Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
  156. HS: AKC Herding Started (Suffix Title)
  157. HSAdsc: AKC Herding Started Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), (Suffix Title)
  158. HSBdsc: AKC Herding Started Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), (Suffix Title)
  159. HSCs: AKC Herding Started Course C (sheep), (Suffix Title)
  160. HT: AKC Herding Tested, Suffix Title
  161. HTD1: Herding Trial Dog, First Level
  162. HTD2: Herding Trial Dog, Second Level
  163. HTD3: Herding Trial Dog, Third Level
  164. HX: AKC Herding Excellent (Suffix Title)
  165. HXAdsc: AKC Herding Advanced Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), (Suffix Title)
  166. HXBdsc: AKC Herding Advanced Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), (Suffix Title)
  167. HXCs: AKC Herding Advanced Course C (sheep), (Suffix Title)
  168. IABCA: International All Breed Canine Association Organization
  169. IAD: Intermediate JFF Agility Title
  170. IFR: International Friends of the Rottweiler
  171. IFR Sgr'(yr): IFR International Show Sieger
  172. ILP: Indefinite Listing Privilege
  173. Int. Ch.: International Champion
  174. Intl. CH.: International Champion
  175. Int.VDH-CH: International Champion (VDH)
  176. Int./DT.VDH-CH: International and German Champion (VDH)
  177. IPO I: Beginning Level, International Schutzhund Trial Rules
  178. IPO II: Intermediate Level, International Schutzhund Trial Rules
  179. IPO III: Advanced Competition Level of IPO
  180. IWR 1,2&3: IPO Equivalent for Belgium
  181. IWT 1,2&3: IPO Equivalent for Africa
  182. JC: AKC Junior Courser, Lure Coursing (Suffix Title)
  183. JE: AKC Junior Earthdog (Suffix Title)
  184. JFF: Just For Fun Agility
  185. JH: AKC Junior Hunter (Suffix Title)
  186. JHD: Junior Herd Dog
  187. JM: Jumpers Master
  188. JWD: Junior Working Dog
  189. JWW: Jumpers With Weaves
  190. KJS (+year): Klubjugendsieger, ADRK Klub Sieger Show Youth Winner
  191. KKL I: Korklasse I (Recommended for breeding)
  192. KKL II: Korklasse II (Suitable for breeding)
  193. KLZ: Kor and Achievement Breed
  194. Koerzucht: Both parents have Schutzhund Titles and Korungs; one or more of the Grandparents do not have a Schutzhund Title
  195. Koer-Und Leistungszucht: Both parents have Schutzhund Titles and Korungs; all 4 Grandparents have Schutzhund Titles
  196. Koerung: Preferred breeding status for 2 years
  197. Korung: Preferred breeding status for 2 years
  198. KS (+year): Klubsieger, ADRK Klub Sieger Show Winner
  199. KSZ: Klubsieger-Zuchtschau, ADRK National Show
  200. KZ: Korzucht
  201. LawH: Lawinenhung, Avalanche Dog
  202. LBST: Lifetime Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
  203. LCM: Lure Courser of Merit
  204. LCM2: Lure Courser of Merit 2
  205. LCX: AKC Lure Courser Excellent (Suffix Title)
  206. Leg: A qualifying score in obedience
  207. Leistungszucht: Both Parents and all 4 Grandparents have Schutzhund Titles
  208. LG: Landesgruppe or Regional Committee
  209. LP: Listing Privilege
  210. LS: Leistungszucht, Parents and Grandparents have SchH degrees
  211. LwH: Lawinenhung, Avalanche Dog
  212. M: Mother
  213. MC: AKC Master Courser (Suffix Title)
  214. MM: Mothers Mother, Maternal Grandmother
  215. MV: Mothers Father, Maternal Grandfather
  216. MACH: AKC Master Agility Champion (Prefix Title)
  217. MAD: Master Agility Dog
  218. MADC: Master Agility Dog of Canada
  219. MBAD: Mulligan Beginners JFF Agility Title
  220. ME: AKC Master Earthdog (Suffix Title)
  221. MFP: AKC Master Excellent FAST Preferred (Suffix Title)
  222. MH: AKC Master Hunter (Suffix Title)
  223. MHR: Master Hunting Retriever
  224. MIAD: Mulligan Intermediate JFF Agility Title
  225. Mil Dh: Militar Diensthund, Military Service Dog
  226. MJP: AKC Master Excellent Jumpers with Weaves, B Preferred (Suffix Title)
  227. MOTCh: CKC Masters Obedience Trial Champion
  228. MSAD: Mulligan Superior JFF Agility Title
  229. MWD: Master Working Dog
  230. MX: AKC Master Agility Excellent (Suffix Title)
  231. MXF: AKC Masters Excellent FAST (Suffix Title)
  232. MXJ: AKC Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves (Suffix Title)
  233. MXP: AKC Master Agility Excellent, B Preferred (Suffix Title)
  234. NA: AKC Novice Agility (Suffix Title)
  235. NAC: AKC National Agility Champion (Prefix Title)
  236. NAC: Novice Standard Agility
  237. NACA: North American Coursing Association
  238. NACC: Coursing Champion NACA
  239. NAC-JH: Novice Standard Junior Handler Agility
  240. NACM: Courser of Merit
  241. NAC-V: Novice Standard Veterans Agility
  242. NADAC: North American Dog Agility Council
  243. NAFC: AKC National Amateur Field Champion (Prefix Title)
  244. NAGDC: AKC National Amateur Gundog Champion (Prefix Title)
  245. NAJ: AKC Novice Agility Jumper (Suffix Title)
  246. NAP: AKC Novice Agility Preferred (Suffix Title)
  247. NAOFA: North American Open Field Association
  248. NASA     North American Schutzhund Association
  249. NATCh: Agility Trial Champion
  250. NCG-JH: Novice Gamblers Junior Handler Agility
  251. NF: AKC Novice FAST, Agility Trial (Suffix Title)
  252. NFC: AKC National Field Champion in Hunting, (Prefix Title)
  253. NFP: AKC Novice FAST Preferred, Agility Trial (Suffix Title)
  254. NGC: Novice Gamblers Agility
  255. NGC-V: Novice Gamblers Veterans
  256. NGDC: AKC National Gundog Champion (Prefix Title)
  257. NIRK: National Independent Rottweiler Klub
  258. NJC: Novice Jumpers
  259. NJC-JH: Novice Jumpers Junior Handler
  260. NJC-V: Novice Jumpers Veterans
  261. NJP: AKC Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred (Suffix Title)
  262. HD: Hip Dysplasia
  263. ED: Elbow Dysplasia


  1. ED/0: ED-Frei (OFA Normal Excellent)
  2. ED (+/-): Borderline (only in the ADRK)
  3. ED/1: ED+ (Mild osteoarthrosis)
  4. ED/2: ED++ (Moderate signs of osteoarthrosis)
  5. ED/3: ED+++ (Severe signs of osterarthrosis)


  1. Following are considered excellent:
    1. HD/A
    2. HD-Frei
    3. HD/0
    4. OFA “E”
  2. Following are considered Good:
    1. HD/B
    2. HD +/-
    3. HD-TC
    4. HD/1
    5. OFA “G”
  3. Following are considered Fair:
    1. HD/C
    2. HD+
    3. HD/2
    4. OFA “F”
  4. Following are considered Middle Dysplasia:
    1. HD/D
    2. HD ++
    3. HD/3
  5. Following are considered Severe Dysplasia and dog is declared unfit for breeding:-
    1. HD/E
    2. HD+++
    3. HD/4
  6. As per European Hip Placements following are considered unfit for breeding:-
    1. HD-
    2. HD+/-
    3. HD+
    4. HD++

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