The Pets Farm – Fancy Poultry Breeder in Rawalpindi

Ali Rayan is breeding good and rare breeds of Fancy Poultry in Rawalpindi. He is a hobby breeder. He has a Poultry breeding setup at home and mostly chicks are available for new homes. He is also involved in import of Fancy Poultry of good quality to improve his breeding stock. If you are looking to get fancy hen for your home his contact details are mentioned below.
Breeder: Ali Rayan
Farm Name: The Pets Farm
1. Indonesian Ayam Cemani (Black Tongue)
2. European Ayam Cemani
3. Black Australorp Heritage
4. Light Sussex
5. Silkies
6. Wyandottes
City: Rawalpindi
Contact Details:
Ali Rayan: 03170271679
Shahzaib Ali: 03475931113
Address: Chakri Road, Rawalpindi.