CACIB All Breed Dog Show Lahore – 24th February 2019

Dear Dog Keeping Friends!
Kennel Club of Pakistan (KCP) is holding an All Breed CACIB show in Lahore. Details are as follows:-
Date: 24th February 2019
Last date of Entry: Entries Open till 17th February 2019.
Venue: Jilani Park, Jail Road, Lahore.
Start Time: 11:00 am Sharp (Issuance of show numbers will start at 10:00 am Sharp)
- Nenad Davidovic, Serbia
- Mrs. Natasa Davidovic, Serbia
- Frank Kane, UK
- Col (Retd) K. M. Roy, Pakistan
Join Facebook Event: CLICK HERE
Judges’ Profiles
Nenad Davidovic

Mr. Nenad Davidovic is an FCI All Round Judge. He can also judge all breed Best in Show. His Affix is “PEGI” Registered with FCI since 1982. He is qualified as an International FCI All Round Judge for all dog breeds of all FCI groups. He is also qualified as an International FCI Judge for working & field trials for Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8. He has judged All Breeds from all FCI Groups at National Dog Shows, International Dog Shows, CACIB Shows, Championship Shows, Club Shows and Specialty Breed Dog Shows. He can award CAC, CACIB, BOB and BOG at all levels. He can also award Best Brace, Best Breeders Group, and Best in Show. He can award CACT & CACIT on Field trials too. He has stewarded at all levels. I am the President of the kennel Club Gornji Milanovac since more than 30 years, member of the committee in kennel Club of Serbia and member of the commission for Student Judges at Kennel Club of Serbia for over 25 years. I have judged in 42 countries including some famous shows as EURODOG Show in Belgium 2 x times and EUROASIA in Moscow 2 x times. I have judged in more than 43 countries multiple times. He is actively involved in dogs for more than 48 years and he started in 1971 with breeding of English Pointers. He has bred different breeds from FCI groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. His big love is Irish Setters. Together with his wife Natasa Davidovic I have owned, bred and shown Golden Retrievers for last 20 years! We have made numerous Champions, International Champions, FT Champions and Junior Warrant holders in this breed etc.
Mrs Natasa Davidovic

She has judged all breeds from FCI Groups I, Group II, Group III, Group IV, Group V, Group VI, Group VII, Group VIII, Group IX and Group X. She has judged in almost all types of shows including National Dog Shows, International Dog Shows, CACIB Shows, Championship Shows, Club Shows and Breed Specialty Dog Shows. She can award CC, CAC, Green Star, CACIB, BOB, BEST in GROUP and Best in Show at all levels. She can also award BIS at the Club Shows and Breed Specialty Dog Shows. She has judged at many famous shows as EUROASIA-Moscow and EURODOG SHOW Kortrijk, Belgium. She is the President of the Retriever Club Belgrade in Serbia, member of the committee in Kennel Club of Serbia and member of GRC UK. She has judged widely across the globe. She has Judged Golden Retriever breed shows in 34 countries. She is FCI all breed Judge. She can speak English, German, Russian and Serbian languages. She has also judged at many Field Trials as well as Gundog Working test in many countries.
Frank Kane

He Showed his first dog as a schoolboy in 1960 and has been involved with showing, breeding and judging from that time. Main breeds have been Cockers, American Cockers and Sealyham Terriers. First approved to award challenge certificates in 1974 and now approved to award challenge certificates in over 60 breeds across all groups and is approved to judge the Gundog, Hound, Utility and Working groups and Best in Show at championship shows. Involved for many years in giving seminars and is a KC approved trainer for Conformation and Movement. Was instrumental in the production of the original KC video on Conformation and Movement. At present a member of the Breed Standards and Stud Book sub-committee. Author and co-author of two books on Cockers and American Cockers and an occasional contributor to the canine press. For the past five years he has been a commentator for the BBC at Crufts Dog Show.
Col (Retd) K. M. Roy

Colonel K. M. Roy has been keeping, breeding and showing Labradors, German Shepherd Springer Spaniels and Pomeranians. He is judging all breed Championship Shows since 1983. He is an All Breed FCI Judge. He has judged around fifty International Shows in Nineteen Countries and in some countries he has judged multiple times. Currently he is the President of Kennel Club of Pakistan.
You are all requested to join the show and make it successful.