How A Dog Becomes An International Champion

Eligibility To Become International Champion – All Countries Less Pakistan
To be eligible for the title of FCI “International Beauty Champion” a dog must have obtained:-
Four CACIBs in three different countries under three different judges. Two CACIBs out of four may be from the same country or from the same judge. The same rules apply for any number of dogs. A minimum of one year and one day must elapse between the first and last CACIB. A dog must also pass a working test.
For Example
A dog receiving its first CACIB on January 1, 2008 must receive its third CACIB no earlier than January 2, 2009.
In FCI shows only one CACIB may be awarded for each sex on the same day at the same location. Class winners at CACIB shows earn CAC or reserve CAC, which counts towards a national championship.
Legibility To Become International Champion – Pakistan
For dogs in Pakistan, legibility to become an international champion is a little relaxed as compared to other countries. To become an international champion in Pakistan a dog must have fulfilled following conditions:-
A dog should have obtained 4xCACIB awards from 3 different judges from 3 different countries. These CACIBs can be awarded in shows held in Pakistan. Two CACIBs out of four may be from the same country or from the same judge.
According to the FCI rule the time period between first CACIB and last CACIB must be one year and one day. However, for Asian countries this has been also waved.
In addition FCI Rule say, dogs of Group 7& 8 have to get at least a grading of “very good” at National Field Trial Competition arranged by National Kennel Clubs or a working Certificate under the Rules made by National Clubs. But for Asian countries this condition has also been waived due to efforts of KCP. But this waiver is not permanent .
If a dog is imported to Pakistan from some other country where he had already earned one or more CACIB award(s), that CACIB award(s) will be counted towards his international championship in Pakistan as well.
FCI Regulations for International Champion: CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE