Gundog Club of Pakistan – Show Schedule 2018/19

The Gundog Club of Pakistan (GDCP) has planned following shows in coming show season after approval of The Kennel Club of Pakistan (KCP). Exact Venue of the shows and details about entries and timings will be shared well before the shows.
16 December 2018 – Lahore

Judge Name: Dr. Gyorgy Tesics, (FCI Group 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and Lure Coursing Judge)
Country: Hungry
Kennel Suffix: Ben Ben
Judge’s Profile on FCI Website: CLICK HERE
Brief Introduction: At the age of 22 (1991) Dr. Tesics became the youngest judge of international rank in former Yugoslavia for all breeds in FCI Group X (Afghan hound, Borzoi, Whippet, Saluki, Greyhound, Sloughi, Azawakh, Deer hound, Irish Wolfhound, Windspiel, Magyar Agár, Chart Polski, Galgo Espanol). In 1996 he was elected an international judge for all breeds in FCI Group V. In 2008 he became qualified to judge FCI group VIII (Retrievers, Flushing dogs, Water dogs). In 2003 he also became a judge for Lure Coursing. Dr. Tesics has judged at many of CAC, CACIB and club shows in Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Croatia, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine, USA and Poland. He has been successfully involved in the Afghan Hound breed since 1983, and later the Sloughi breed joined the kennel. Apart from his native Serbian language, Dr. Tesics speaks fluent Hungarian, German and English languages.
20th January 2019 – Lahore

Judge Name: Sir Nicola Imbimbo, (FCI all groups Judge)
Country: Italy
Kennel Suffix: Maraveti Gods and Of Novesoldi
Judge’s Profile on FCI Website: CLICK HERE
Brief Introduction. He is Medical oncologist, surgeon, professor of genetics and canine zoognostica. He has been dedicated entirely to the Neapolitan Mastiff for over 30 years. He is an FCI judge since 1970. He is one of the youngest Italian judges who has passed through all the stages in his judging career and became an All-Rounder Judge. He can now judge all FCI recognized breeds. He is trainer judge for new judges. He is the author of Cynophily newspaper articles published in national and international magazines in many languages (French, German, Russian and Portuguese). He has so far judged in much of the world’s 94 best in show to date.
24 February 2019 – Lahore

Judge Name: Mrs. Natasa Davidovic, (FCI all groups Judge)
Country: Serbia
Kennel Suffix: Of Golden Duck
Judge’s Profile on FCI Website: CLICK HERE
Brief Introduction. She has judged all breeds from FCI Groups I, Group II, Group III, Group IV, Group V, Group VI, Group VII, Group VIII, Group IX and Group X. She has judged in almost all types of shows including National Dog Shows, International Dog Shows, CACIB Shows, Championship Shows, Club Shows and Breed Specialty Dog Shows. She can award CC, CAC, Green Star, CACIB, BOB, BEST in GROUP and Best in Show at all levels. She can also award BIS at the Club Shows and Breed Specialty Dog Shows. She has judged at many famous shows as EUROASIA-Moscow and EURODOG SHOW Kortrijk, Belgium. She is the President of the Retriever Club Belgrade in Serbia, member of the committee in Kennel Club of Serbia and member of GRC UK. She has judged widely across the globe. She has Judged Golden Retriever breed shows in 34 countries. She is FCI all breed Judge. She can speak English, German, Russian and Serbian languages. She has also judged at many Field Trials as well as Gundog Working test in many countries.
Nasir Ishaq Malik, President GDCP
Farid Ullah Khan, Vice President GDCP
Waseem Abdullah, Secretary GDCP