Storm Von Der Alten Festung – Rottweiler Stud in Gujranwala
Storm Von Der Alten Festung is a lovely boy available as Rottweiler Stud in Gujranwala. Storm is imported from Croatia. Storm is registered with KCP/RCP in Pakistan. Storm is being shown in dog shows since his puppy days and he is doing very well in the ring. Storm is available for stud services only to females approved by the owner. If you are interested to use Storm as stud, you can contact the owner at given contact details.
Breed: Rottweiler
Colour: Black & Tan
Breeder Kennel: Alten Festung, Croatia
Breeder: Lidija & Vladimir Zec
Owner Kennel: Vom Hause Illuminati
Owner: Jawad Khwaja
City: Gujranwala
Name: Storm Von Der Alten Festung
Sire: Imperator vom Haus Zschammer
Dam: Lexa von der Alten Festung
Date of Birth: 1st October 2014
ZTP: Cleared
Contact Details
Address: House No. 46, Wahdat Colony, Gujranwala.
Jawad Khwaja: 03337719874